Winter is the perfect time to set aside a few hours to learn more about the latest vegetable research.
Come along to a R&D workshop near you and discuss the latest findings with people looking for better ways to control pests and diseases in your crops.
You could pick up a great way to improve both your crop and your bottom line.

Brassica Vegetable Research Update Presented by SARDI & DEEDI Qld
- Insecticide Resistance Management – Greg Baker
- Compost for Brassica Vegetables – Cate Paull
- Brassica ICM toolkit – David Carey
- Natural enemies of Brassica pests – Lara Senior
Cranbourne : When: Wednesday July 28th at 3:30 pm Where: Casey Indoor Leisure Complex, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road
Werribee : When: Thursday July 29th at 3:00 pm Where: National Centre for Dairy Education, 3 Research Close
Managing soil health and vegetable diseases Presented by DPI Victoria
- Sclerotinia– Oscar Villalta
- Soilborne diseases – Caroline Donald
- Soil health management – Ian Porter
- Downy mildew & white blister – Liz Minchinton
Lindenow : When: Wednesday 18 August, 2-4 pm Where: Lindenow Hotel
Cranbourne : When: Thursday 19 August, 3-5 pm Where: Amstel Golf Club, 1000 Cranbourne-Frankston Road
IPM Workshop for Snow Pea growers Presented by Jessica Page and Paul Horne,
IPM Technologies
When: Thursday 5 of August, 1-3 pm
Where: Korumburra Golf Club , 65 Warragul Road, Korumburra
For more information please contact :