R&D Levy Workshop

VGA Vic President David Wallace and Executive staff Tony Imeson and Helena Whitman recently attended a workshop in Sydney convened by AUSVEG to explain the National Vegetable Levy System process.

Other Victorian representatives were Luis Gazzola (AUSVEG Director) and Emma Germano, a grower from Gippsland.

Levy Meeting
Download 121kb

Speakers included the Chair, CEO and Management staff of HAL, Chair of the IAC Jeff McSpedden and the Chair and Directors of AUSVEG.

Project ideas/proposals can be submitted to HAL or AUSVEG by anyone. These are then handled by the Design Teams who either seek more information or recommend to the IAC projects for funding.

The Design Teams may also make suggestion to enhance the project. The IAC would make the final decision and recommend projects to the HAL Board for funding. HAL will then advertise the projects to appropriate Service Providers for tender.

There was also a Technical Advisory Committee to assist the Design Teams on technical issues. Anyone can use the project proposal form on the AUSVEG website to put forward ideas for Research & Development.

Levy meeting - Sydney 2013
All States were represented at the workshop

Some of the projects that have been approved recently:

  • Understand the attributes that drive or inhibit consumer purchases
  • Develop a strategy to address domestic & export market access & trade viability issues
  • Develop a veg industry crisis management plan
  • Update and republish veg industry resources
  • Growing leaders program 2013-15

The R & D proposal forms can be found at :


See also : Call for new project ideas – this website  

For more information contact :

Helena Whitman
VGA Executive Manager
0407 772 299

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