Insect traps are routinely used to estimate pest pressure in crops so action can be taken before numbers get high enough to cause economic damage. Pheromone traps use a chemical lure that only attract male moths of a known species. Monitoring pheromone traps is straight forward. Traps should be inspected weekly and moth numbers counted and recorded. The approach assumes the number of male moths caught in the traps is related to the number of eggs laid in the crop and so provides growers with an estimate of the risk of that pest damaging the crop. Trap records show when the male moths arrive, but this doesn’t always match with the egg-laying activity of the female moths. The most effective way to use pheromone traps is in combination with regular crop inspections, (crop scouting). Karl Riedel, consultant agronomist with Campbells Horticultural Services, has been using moth traps for over 12 years. Karl says insect pheromone traps provide a “extremely reliable tool that helps growers and agronomists estimate pest pressure”. Today, there are lures for a range of insect pests. The most commonly used are those for Diamond Back Moth and the two species of Heliothis For more information contact your Industry Development Officers :