A recent Field Day at A & G Lamattina’s farm at Boneo was organised by DPI Victoria to demonstrate the results of a 4-year trial of the use of Nitrogen stabilisers on brassica crops. The field day was very well attended by growers who were able to view first-hand the effect of new stabilisers on fertilisers and manures to improve carbon and nitrogen use efficiency. Stabilisers applied to the soil keep nitrogen where the plants can use it and reduce leaching and emission losses in sandy soils. The trials showed that plant nutrition needs can be better matched with fewer fertiliser application, by using nitrogen stabilisers.
Another major benefit from these trials was the substantial reduction in potential greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere. This “coal face” research undertaken by Dr Ian Porter and his team, clearly demonstrates how sound well-funded research can deliver practical benefits to growers. It is now up to individual growers to consider applying these findings to improve their crops and their bottom line.
This project is a joint initiative of the Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Victorian Department of Primary Industries. For more information contact :